Euphorbia is one of the most popular ornamental plants, the family of which has more than two thousand diverse species. Despite the fact that the territory of Africa and America is considered the birthplace of this flower, today it can be found in many countries. We suggest that you learn more about milkweed, as well as what to do in case of contact with poisonous juice.
Description and characteristics of the plant
Euphorbia is a perennial succulent plant that accumulates moisture in the leaves. It grows in the form of a bush or tree, in appearance it looks like a cactus. Euphorbia species are so different from each other that it is difficult to understand that this is one genus of plants. Milkweed has a strong root system, parts of which I use for medicinal purposes because they contain saponins, tannins, starch and even ascorbic acid.
The leaves grow opposite each other and take on completely different forms: oval, jagged and ovoid. In structure, they are very fragile, and due to the accumulated moisture, they are juicy. Large inflorescences, in which flowers are presented, presented in different colors, resemble umbrellas. Buds open in the second half of summer. This plants grows quite slowly, but at the same time it has a high life expectancy.
The flower is endowed with the property of protection against pests, which consists in the allocation of white juice contained in the leaf plate and stem. The juice contains essential acids, amino acids and other beneficial substances. Based on the fact that some components are toxic, caution is recommended when in contact with the plant.
Did you know? Euphorbia got its name due to the color of the juice that flows from the stem or leaves of the plant when they are damaged.
Benefits and healing properties
Despite the fact that the chemical composition of milkweed is not yet fully understood, the flower is often used in home medicine and not only.
- Consider what useful qualities he has:
- Juice is used in homeopathy in the form of various means.
- Enzymes in milkweed help maintain immunity.
- Juice treat insect and animal bites.
- The medicine is used to treat extensive tumors.
- Warts, lichen and scabies are removed.
- In small doses, the juice produces a rejuvenating effect.
- A root-based extract treats headaches.
- Decoctions are used for bathing children in the presence of skin problems.
- Juice strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
- Effective in the treatment of diseases in the field of intimate health.
What is dangerous and what harm can be from milkweed?
The milky juice inside the plant is dangerous not only for humans, but also for all animals. In nature, animals on the basis of instincts bypass the euphorbia. To get a burn or impaired vision, just touch the stem or leaves, and then accidentally touch the eyes. Juice in contact with the skin or mucous membrane can not only lead to inflammation, but also cause serious allergies to the entire body.
Important! Improper intake of funds based on this plant is fraught with problems with the body. To avoid this, taking medications is carried out only under the supervision of doctors.
Symptoms of Poisoning
The use of parts of the plant or its juice leads to severe toxic gastroenteritis, which is manifested by the following symptoms:
- headaches;
- burning and pain in the stomach;
- digestion problems;
- bloating.
With progression, other unpleasant symptoms develop:
- dehydration;
- pressure reduction;
- cardiopalmus;
- cramps
- orientation problems;
- blindness;
- Quincke's edema;
- coma.
First aid
To avoid the appearance of serious negative consequences, it is recommended to know what to do in this case.
When ingested, parts of a leaf or juice carry out the following actions:
- give enterosorbents up to 3 times a day;
- drink a glass of saline or milk.
- thoroughly wash the contact area;
- apply an ointment with an anesthetic or a remedy for burns;
- drink an antihistamine.
- washed with water or a decoction of chamomile;
- instill drops with an anti-allergenic composition;
- drink an antihistamine.
Did you know? Euphorbia Poinsettia popular in Europe. Its popularity is due to the fact that the flower opens buds on Christmas Eve and is called the "Star of Bethlehem."
Basic rules for keeping at home
Euphorbia responds positively to care.
To master the principles you need to know some rules:
- Lighting. The plant needs a lot of light. Even the direct rays of the sun carry no threat. In the shade, the flower withers and ceases to grow.
- Temperature. In the natural environment of the tropics is quite warm. At home, you need to provide a similar temperature. For full growth, it should be in the summer within + 22 ... + 27 ° С, and in winter + 14 ... + 16 ° С.
- Watering. Euphorbia is a desert shrub that does not tolerate waterlogging. In the warm season, 1 watering per week is enough. During winter, moisten the soil no more than 1 time per month. Water should be warm and soft.
- Top dressing. Fertilizers are applied during the active growth of the flower. This period lasts from the beginning of spring to mid-autumn. Feeding is carried out 2 times a month.
- Pruning. The time for such manipulations is chosen depending on whether the plant is blooming or not. In the first case, this is carried out at the end of the growing season, and in the second in spring or autumn.
- Transfer. Carried out only in the resting period. The pot is chosen high and heavy. It is better to transplant using the transshipment method so as not to damage weak roots. Add new land and irrigate. At first, the transplant is carried out every 3 years, and then the period is increased to 5 years.
Important! To improve the condition of the flower, it is recommended to spray or wipe the leaves. It is important not to touch it with your fingers, as the plant does not like it.
Precautionary measures
To avoid poisoning or getting skin problems, it is recommended to follow some precautions:
- exclude contact with children;
- Do not personally prepare drugs based on milkweed;
- do not accept handicrafts;
- do not exceed the dosage and do not change the treatment regimen;
- carry out all work with the plant only in personal protective equipment.