Specialists of the Miratorg agro-industrial holding announced the launch of a unique project - in the near future, a culinary training school will be opened under the auspices of the company, the teachers of which will teach everyone who wants to prepare food professionally.
Students will be trained by qualified chefs and other industry experts. The first classes will be held very soon - the start is scheduled for March 2019.
The organizers of the training process emphasize that, as part of the culinary master classes, students will be able to learn the intricacies of choosing meat and making dishes from it. Experienced butchers from Miratorga state will control the process.It is noteworthy that the invited chefs will train students on a par with the employees of the agricultural holding organizer.
It would not be superfluous to add that Miratorg looks at such projects as the creation of a school, etc., not only as another commercial process that promises profit. It is already known that, according to the holding’s concept, the culinary studio will be an excellent springboard for introducing the right meat consumption to the masses of culture. "The more people know about it and the methods of cooking it, the more often it will be in demand," the training organizers say with confidence Miratorg.