Residents of the city of Bershadi, in the Vinnitsa region, suffer from the dangerous proximity of the Uzbek greenhouse. They repeatedly complained to different authorities, but the question remained open.
According to the victims, they have been suffering caustic smoke and chemicals coming from the greenhouse for about a year now. Appeals to various authorities did not produce any results and the community is ready to take more radical actions. Its representatives have already appealed to the National Corps.
At one time, businessmen from Uzbekistan bought the land and built a greenhouse in the garden with an approximate area of 600 m2. It is located in the private sector of the city and is intended for growing cucumbers. Although entrepreneurs heat it with firewood, the smoke is such that it is difficult to breathe, the victims call it. At the same time, the distance to the nearest residential building is 3 m.
Housing, which is located in the neighborhood, is already all in soot, in the yard stench. And next to the well, from which it is scary to drink water. In addition, the Uzbeks use mineral fertilizers and top dressing for cucumbers, so the maximum damage, according to the injured party. Residents of adjoining houses already suffer from coughing, allergies and fear for their health.
Now businessmen do not heat the greenhouse, as the street is already warm, but the victims are horrified to expect the onset of autumn and winter. Several times they tried to peacefully discuss their sore point with the Uzbeks, but did not receive a positive decision, as when calling the police.
Bershadi residents say they are not against business and budgeting, but let this happen legally. The victims show suspicions that the Uzbeks bribed the inspection bodies with cucumbers, so they are inactive. “Law enforcement agencies went to the scene three times. Nothing was revealed regarding their activities,” commented on the situation in the regional police press service.![](
The Bershad City Council reported that on these facts received complaints from citizens. According to them, experts from relevant authorities repeatedly went to the scene of action, called the police. After the examination, no apparent violations at this time have been identified. Only rescuers gave the order to dismantle 8 m of the greenhouse so that there was travel for firefighters.